Rebounderz Memberships
Choose a Plan

Enjoy All Day Admission - including a Premium Activity for each member - every day Rebounderz is open to the public! The Annual Family Rebounderz Membership Pack is your BEST MEMBERSHIP VALUE at $599 Per Year (12 month commitment)! You save $181 by paying your 12 months up front (vs $64.95/month). This membership includes up to 5 family members (same household)! Additional members above the 5 included are $95 per member. Once a member is added to a Family Plan, they may not be removed. Enjoy a FREE 500 arcade point bonus for each new member at time of sign up!
- $599.00 Plan Price up to 5 members
- $95.00 per additional member over 5
- Bills every 12 months
- Max Members: 10

Enjoy All Day Admission - including a Premium Activity for each member - every day Rebounderz is open to the public! The Annual Family Rebounderz Membership Pack is only $64.95 Per Month (12-MONTH COMMITMENT for an annual total of $779.40). AFTER YOUR 12TH PAYMENT, you may cancel with 30 days written notice. This membership includes up to 5 family members (same household)! Additional members above the 5 included are $9.95 per month per member (12 month commitment for an annual total of $119.40 per additional member). Once a member is added to a Family Plan, they may not be removed. Enjoy a FREE 500 arcade point bonus for each new member at time of sign up!
- $64.95 Plan Price up to 5 members
- $9.95 per additional member over 5
- Bills every month
- Max Members: 10

Enjoy All Day Admission - including a Premium Activity - every day Rebounderz is open to the public! The Annual Individual Rebounderz Membership is only $229 Per Year (12 month commitment). Once a member is added to a Plan, they may not be removed. Enjoy a FREE 500 arcade point bonus at time of sign up!
- $229.00 Plan Price up to 1 members
- $229.00 per additional member over 1
- Bills every 12 months
- Max Members: 10

Enjoy All Day Admission - including a Premium Activity - every day Rebounderz is open to the public! The Monthly Individual Rebounderz Membership is only $21.95 Per Month (12 MONTH COMMITMENT for an annual total of $263.40). AFTER YOUR 12TH PAYMENT, you may cancel with a 30 day written notice. Enjoy a FREE 500 arcade point bonus at time of sign up!
- $21.95 Plan Price up to 1 members
- $21.95 per additional member over 1
- Bills every month
- Max Members: 10